I can, I will, I am because I want to succeed

Founder's Message

I was 23 when I became a millionaire. Almost bankrupt at 33 but able to retire at 43. How did I do it? By finding great ideas and then taking action to make money. Well one of the best ideas I ever had was using Clinical Hypnosis to alter my subconscious and free me from deep seeded negative thoughts that were holding me back from success.

It wasn’t all a bowl of cherries getting to financial independence. I had to fight through a lot of self doubt and second guessing. My state of mind wasn’t right. I needed help. The way I fixed those negative moments was using thought changing Clinical Hypnosis programs. Clinical Hypnosis got me to change the way I think about myself. It cleaned out the thoughts causing me problems and reinforced them with new positive affirmations. I call it exercising the brain to excellence. Hypnosis gives you the tools to overcome obstacles in your business, personal and social life. Confidence and clarity come into focus. Ideas began to flow. The non manifest suddenly becomes the manifest and victory is yours.

I am very proud that we have engaged one of the premiere nationally certified Clinical Hypnotists Donald J. Mannarino, MA. He has worked for some of the biggest Corporations, Celebrities and Athletes across the globe helping them overcome obstacles in their thoughts that were holding them back and helping them reach high personal levels of success. I personally have used his programs for years and the way he takes you into full Hypnosis is extraordinary. The results are even more extraordinary. We’ve put together a list of great Hypnosis sessions for you that you can use in the privacy of your own home or office. They download right to your phone and are available where ever and whenever you need them. Don’s well loved weight loss and stop smoking programs are part of our selections but we also have Hypnosis programs for Memory, Procrastination, Breaking Bad Habits, Restful Sleep and more.

I’d also like to point out our great lineup of health and wellness products. These include nutritional sprays, clean cosmetics and more. You should also check out our business building products which include helping you to win at the numbers game and building relationships.

Thank you For checking us out.

Roger Pasquier
CRP Associates, Inc.
Call me with any questions